Sunday, January 9, 2011



Laughter is the best medicine. Laughter also hurts if you laugh thoroughly. As in side splitting laugher. When you laugh you see the funny and lighter side of things. When you laugh wholeheartedly you reach an orgasmic state as well.

Try benchpressing and laugh – you can’t. Laughter makes you let go. Letting go is surrendering, dropping the issue, relaxing your body, your muscles, jolting the mind into a bigger perspective so the bigger picture uses mindfulness to see how small your problems really are.

Don’t be silly. Be absolutely, thoroughly apeshit and hilarious. Take the pun on yourself. Learn the art of self deprecatory humour (Aussies are known to take the piss out of themselves). So long as the humour is good natured and not aim to hurt or destruct – it would be the saviour and life of the moment.

Angels fly because they take themselves lightly. Demons drown because they frown too much. This doctor in India came up with an idea to start a laughing clinic (on 60mins some years back) and it was a blast and a smash hit. After a month he ran out of joke. Ha…ha now that’s quite a punch line. He went ahead anyway and said to the group “just laugh and go through the motions …”.  Guess what? It worked just as good.

If you only knew that all the stress you are facing now is a blast. If you only knew that all the stress and anxiety you are facing now means nothing when you go on holidays you would be choking your with laughter with tears.

What do I mean? I am rushing here and there. The boss is yelling telling me to hurry up. Too much gas bagging again… I understand that its his anger talking not him – nothing personal. Nothing is personal. Nothing can be personal.

What is personal? If you think you have a personal life then you are quite wrong. Or let me put it more laterally for you. You darkest secrets are not personal. Whatever secrets you have in your personal closet it is already known. You know and its is enough. As soon as you know. It’s no longer is a secret. It’s been done before by countless others or the intention is no secret. We are made out of the same flesh and blood. So long as we have desires and aversions we will suffer due to expectations and disappoints. Stay in the middle. Equal to all states of both polarity. Love is one end, fear is the other. Pain one side, pleasure the other.

Find the calm in every storm. Find the stillness in the bottom of every ocean amidst the top choppy waves. Learn to relax in the midst of busyness or rush hectic times. Find the space in between thoughts. See the background around the object of focus and you just might see the clown signalling that you too are in candid camera! It’s not worth the blood clot in your brain or the ulcers or the kidney stones …etc. Besides laughter burns fat and calories – beats going to the threadmill or what?

Laugh away. Laugh for a practice. Laugh to remind yourself that life is a passing moment and only the permanent matters. What are the permanents? That is another blog of course. Ha… ha.

Go Patch Adam!

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